Monday, October 15, 2012

Will - 18 Months

Happy 18 Months Will!

Weight - 27 lbs
Height - 33 inches
Will finally made it above the 50th percentile at this check-up. I think he is about 70th percentile now.

He eats a lot of the same stuff over and over again, but that is my fault because I never have new ideas for him. He loves pancakes, waffles, turkey sausage, peanut butter toast, cheese toast, turkey sandwiches, cheese, chicken nuggets, mac'n'cheese, yogurt, bananas, and apples. Sometimes he will only eat one thing at a time though, so I have to give him sausage by itself, and then give him a pancake when he finishes it. If I put both on the same plate, he will only eat one thing. I would love to complain about this, but we all know that I am the pickiest eater in the world! We try to give him bites of our food, but he shakes his head "no" and ignores us. He did eat green beans the other day, but only because I gave him a plate full with nothing else on it. When I added chicken nuggets, he didn't touch another green bean. He loves milk and water! I've tried to give him some juice, but he really doesn't like it. I'm giving him diluted flavored water now. I know it is great if he doesn't want juice, but I think he needs some flavor in his life!
His favorite food time of the day is morning cereal time with Daddy. JT brings his bowl of cereal wherever we are and Will RUNS over to him. Will then sticks his finger in the bowl demanding a bite. Watching this is one of my favorite parts of my day!

He is everywhere, and I mean everywhere! He walks, almost runs, and climbs. He loves to climb - steps, ladders, whatever he can find.

Social skills:
We have seen a big improvement over the past month or two of Will's reactions to strangers. He is still very cautious and it takes time for him to warm up to new people, but he gets there. We even made it through an entire church service for the first time with Will in the nursery - he even had a good time! I believe I owe this all to Mother's Day Out and Hope getting him out and about meeting people. I know he is getting older and probably getting better socializing anyway, but I really think that being in a school setting once a week has really pushed him for the better. Hope regularly takes him to Sweet CeCe's where he apparently is the greeter to everyone there.

He isn't talking much in English, but he has conversations with us, especially with JT, in what I like to call "Will-ish". He understands how to have a conversation back and forth. He says "Mamamamama", "Da", "gie", and "hi". He knows what we are saying and he will do what we tell him/go where we tell him to go. He uses sign language fro "more" and "all done".

He loves his superhero car that he can push or ride. He is also really getting into his toy cars and trucks. He pushes them around and says "vroom". Where did he even learn that? Gram says that little boys have a "car gene" that they just know these things.
He is really wanting to play with Maggie more and loves throwing her tennis ball, He also loves throwing any other item that he gets in his hand, so we are trying to keep that to a minimum.
He threw his cheerios onto Maggie's back. Pretty good shot,
especially since she is a moving target!
He loves cords - electrical cords. This is not good! He is constantly unplugging our phones.
He also has a new obsession with the iPad. He has his own folder on it which he knows how to get to. He loves the "Cat in the Hat" book that is interactive.

He is still big on routines and patterns. When we go to Publix, he knows that he gets a cookie at the bakery.
Excuse me, I'm here for my cookie.
Thank you!
If we go by the pharmacy, he gets to say "hi" to the pharmacist. If he comes to my pharmacy, he demands a band-aid - he has watched me give shots several times, so he thinks that is all that I do apparently.

He knows when I am getting out the shower that I need my hair towel. He stops whatever he is doing and grabs it and hands it to me. Every single time!

He knows that before bed, he gets "bedtime playtime" which is a couple of minutes wrestling with Daddy. He loves it!

I think that we are going to see Will's independent side coming out more in the next few months. But even as he begins to test us, every day will still be a blessing!

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