Tuesday, October 26, 2010

15 Weeks

I had my 15th week appointment last week. No big news - just got to hear the heartbeat again. I'm not sure what the heart rate was (at 10 weeks it was 160) because I was too busy asking all of the questions I had written down. (Normally I have tons of questions but don't write them down, and then completely forget by the time I get to the appointment what I wanted to ask.) Next month will be the ultrasound. I can't wait to see that and have some pictures of Baby Livezey! We are just praying that they will tell us that we are going to have a healthy baby.

JT's mom got the baby its first book called "Love You Forever". It is such a sweet book! I have heard of it, and heard the little quote from it many times, but I don't think I've ever actually read it until now. I look forward to starting a tradition of reading books with the baby before bedtime.

JT and I are taking a much needed vacation this week. I can't wait to get to the beach, even though JT just looked at the weather and it's not going to be so warm. Oh well - the beach is the beach, and vacation is vacation, so I'm excited!

Monday, October 11, 2010

First Trimester - DONE!

We have just begun week 14. Yay! So this is supposed to be where the sickness ends, not that I had it all that bad to begin with. I was expecting much worse, and I am very thankful for how well the first 13 weeks have turned out. JT took the first "baby bump" picture Saturday night. It probably doesn't look like much, but I can definitely see it.

I decided today that I should start researching/looking at baby items and getting ideas for things that we need. Easy enough, so I headed out to Babies 'R Us and earned myself one huge panic attack! As I wandered through the aisles, employees kept coming up and asking me if I needed help. Did I really look that confused? Yep! I can not believe how many options there are for strollers, car seats, bottles, bath tubs, etc! How in the world do you choose one? I promplty left and ran straight to Target for a breath of fresh air. I think the remainder of my researching will be done by internet.