Sunday, January 9, 2011

27 weeks

My weekly pregnancy book refers to this as the "beginning of the thrid trimester". But I like to call it the "beginning of the end", as in the final chapter of this pregnancy and end of life as we know it. That is not a bad thing - I'm very excited about April! I just can not believe how fast this has all gone by. Where did the past 6 months go? And why am I so unprepared? Here is an updated picture of me and my big belly!

We have our car seat (thanks Mom!) and stroller. And we just got our crib last week (thanks Nancy!). Those seem like some essential items, so I am glad they are here in the house. We have several books, blankets, a t-shirt, and even a Boppy. Everything is in a closet upstairs right now because I haven't wanted to move the office yet. We decided that the room we now use as an office will become the nursery. It is downstairs with our bedroom, so this way I won't have to worry about going up and down stairs all the time.

My biggest dilema right now is the nursery bedding. Being that JT and I are so indecisive, this has just been an impossible task (JT really didn't care about this anyway and left it up to me). From the beginning I said the primary color would be light blue and we could add pink or blue and green later on. After seeing hundreds of light blue patterns, I changed my mind. Next color choice was green. My favorite green pattern was pictured with pink bows and trim and was the cutest thing ever! But I just couldn't picture it with blue replacing the green. So I asked my brother to photoshop it for me and change the pink to blue (which he did, thanks Brandon!), and I realized that this particular pattern was just too girly. I called my mom and told her I couldn't take it anymore, and I was just going to go with white, in which she repsonded "Just call the doctor and find out what the baby is". No such luck mom - I'm not giving in that easily. I asked JT to look at fabric on in the internet for 5 minutes with me, and it took him about 30 seconds to pick something. I should have asked him from the beginning! So, the color choice today is going to be a grey/mocha color and we can accent with pink of blue from there. I ordered some swatches that will hopefully come in this week so I can have a final plan for this room.

Our other big baby preparation is getting Maggie ready for baby. I let her check out the car seat and stroller. We walked around the house with it, and she did good just walking beside it. Since she thinks everything in this house is hers, we have caught her with one of Baby Livezey's stuffed animals a couple of times. I am trying to enforce "NO" as much as possible now so that this doesn't become a big problem later on. We had a big first step last night...Maggie got to meet Max and Grant (now 2 months old). And lucky for us, she didn't try to to eat them! She just sniffed them and gave them a lick. Thanks Lauren and Robby for being brave enough to use you children as Maggie's test subjects!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 is finally here. I don't why, but actually getting to this point makes me realize that Baby Livezey will be here before we know it. I can't say that we are having a baby "next year" anymore, because it is now "this year". Oh my goodness!

We had a wonderful Christmas with our families! And I even made it until midnight on new Year's Eve (actually it is probably more of an accomplishment that JT made it to midnight)! We are so thankful for all of our friends and family and the time we get to spend together.

2010 was a good year, but 2011 is going to be even better! There were plenty of good and bad things about 2010, but more good than bad, so I can't really complain. JT and I have never really made New Year's resolutions, and we don't really have any for this year except to take on parenthood and try to do the best we can.

Hope 2011 brings wonderful things to all of you!