Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

What can I babies are good sleepers! They may not look like me, but they take after me when it comes to sleeping!

Evie slept through the night the day after she was 2 months old. She had seemed capable of it for a while, but her startle reflex would wake her up more than it should have. I tried the SwaddleMe wraps (looks like a straight jacket), but she would scream like she was in pain. She wanted her hands free. I put her in a sleep sack thinking that might help keep her warm, but her hands were free so she would wake up a few times. Finally I decided that we were going to use the SwaddleMe wrap again. She wasn't happy about it at first, but she slept through the night. She has been put in it at night ever since. Sleeping baby = happy household!

I play music and dance/rock her to sleep at night. Her pediatrician told me that by 4 months she should be able to fall asleep on her own. So we are going to work on putting her down drowsy but not sleeping. I am enjoying our little night time routine right now, so maybe I'll start working on this a little to closer to when I have to go back to work.

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