Thursday, June 28, 2012

Vandy - 6/23-6/25

We got to our room late Friday/early Saturday morning. At nurse's vital sign check, will had a fever of 104. We wrapped him in wet cloths because the nurse said this was a quick way to bring it down faster along with meds. Poor little kiddo! There is room for JT and I both to stay here, so we sleep when Will sleeps and take care of him the rest of the time. The nurses have all been amazing! We met with the urology resident again and our pediatrician's partner Dr. Hawkins. Dr. Hawkins did a great job explaining to us why we were watching fevers, discussing other tests that may be done, etc. Basically we needed to get some blood work, get him eating and drinking again, and of course no fevers. There was trouble getting blood out of his IV, so he had to have it drawn from his other hand. JT and I lost it as we were holding him down listening to him scream and cry. Antibiotics were started (vancomycin and Zosyn) to cover anything that might be causing these fevers. Blood cultures weren't showing anything and more blood work was needed because the last blood draw clotted in the lab and was useless. This time they took from another spot in his arm.

We discussed having a CT scan, but no one was really sure that this needed to be the next step. Will would have to be sedated so that he could be perfectly still, and no one wanted to expose him to any radiation that isn't necessary. Fever continued all day and night. In the middle of the night, more blood work had to be drawn to get his vancomycin level. It had to be done so we were ready for them to find another spot to get blood. They chose his scalp. That's right, I said his scalp! The nurse said the scalp is actually usually not as painful and it bleeds well. JT and I held him down and of course he got upset, but he does that when any stranger touches him. He jerked and screamed when they put the needle in him, and once again JT and I lost it. We said right then that we would not allow any more blood draws until they could figure out a way to get it through IV. Sunday morning we made this known to everyone, and I think everyone was very understanding and agreeable to it.

Sunday was a day of rest for Will...well deserved. We had a glimpse of our happy baby back on Sunday afternoon. He played airplane, said "Gie" and was just more his normal self. We walked around the hospital and went to the playroom. The kids can ride in wagons or little cars. The IV had to go with us, so we called it Will's "friend".
Will didn't find this car to be nearly as fun as I though it would be.  He was so clingy that he just wanted to be held.
At the beginning of our hall there is a statue of a black lab. Will pet it and played with the collar. I am sure he was wondering why this dog was so nice and wasn't running away like Maggie does! 
He wasn't as lifeless. He had enough energy to hold his head up and even stand up a little. He also ate 4-5 ounces of yogurt. After refusal of all food and drink, this was huge. We were excited to see the doctors in the morning to report this great change.

 Monday wasn't a great day...

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