Picture time gets more and more interesting each month as Will becomes more mobile and easily distracted. I imagine the pics of the next few months will simply be a blur of Will as he jumps off of the chair. First he decided that the giraffe pillow was in his way. Then he wanted to eat the giraffe pillow.
Finally he began to cooperate.
And then he decided picture time was over.
Toys: Will is so playful now! He is sitting up by himself which has given him a chance to explore and grab things with both hands. He has a new fascination with the glow-worm that Uncle Kyle got for him. He likes the songs and loves that the face lights up. He is still into Bug and Sophie too. But his most favorite toys are simply household items - a paper towel, empty paper towel roll, and electrical cords (dangerous I know, but it is the first thing he goes for). He is also obsessed with the computer keyboard and likes to type/bang on the keys as hard as he can.
Another household discovery - the door stoppers. Funny, this was Maggie's first favorite thing in the house too. Most of these have been removed because Maggie's obsession with them drove us crazy!
He has his own version of peek-a-boo and he picked up on it pretty quickly. It started at Gram's house where he thought he was hidden by the giraffe on the playmat. Now he tries to hide behind the bar of his playmat at home. He has a blast!
Food: Still stuggling, but we are making progress. He likes sweet potatoes, apples, and sometimes green peas. He is not so fond of pears and bananas. He just never seems interested in eating any of it though. He just loves his bottle! I have learned over the past week to give him the spoon and let him play. Eventually he wants something on it, and then he eats it all up. He mostly wants to feed himself though. I think I'll have better luck once we get to finger foods. He has his 2 bottom teeth now.
Will still isn't exactly crawling, but he can scoot all over the place. Before he gets going, he has to prepare...his whole body shakes and then he takes off. JT says he is "stuck in neutral" at first. If there is something he wants, he will go after it!
Will has had his first cold and it has gone on for almost 3 weeks now. It is so frusturating to not be able to give him any medications for this. We've tried Vick's, saline nose spray, and got him a humidifier. He is doing better each day, and it really hasn't slowed him down any.
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