Happy 1 Month sweet Will!
Height - 21 inches
Weight - I don't know because I don't have a scale. We don't go back to the pediatrician until he is 2 months old. My guess is at least 10 pounds.
Will loves to yawn! My mom says "no one enjoys a yawn more than Will", and I think she is right. He makes a big production out of it. My favorite is when he yawns and stretches at the same time. Legs extended straight out, arms extended straight up above head, and the biggest yawn you've ever seen. He always has a proud look on his face after this. Seriously, it must be tough being a baby!
He often rolls to his side to sleep. This drives me crazy! All you ever hear now is that babies need to sleep on their backs. Well, that is how we start out, but he gets on his side as soon as I leave the room. He is going to roll over before I know it!
He loves to sit in his vibrating seat. He stares at the birds and sometimes even coos at them. Sweet little voice! This is his most dangerous spot though, because he becomes level with Maggie and there is nothing she wants to do more than lick his face. She has gotten better at not touching him, but she likes to lay beside him. She is getting really protective already.
Will seems to love his room! His favorite place is the changing pad. He stares at the picture on the wall beside it, or he just looks at us and coos. We have learned that when Will is really upset, take him to the changing pad and he usually calms down. Maggie likes his room too. She comes in there whenever I am feeding him and lays down beside the chair. There have been several occasions that we have found her sleeping in his room beside the bassinet. She is a good big dog-sister!
He snorts when he cries - this is Momma Karen's favorite characteristic.
He loves to eat! Every 2-3 hours...this is exhausting! But I can't complain too much, because he will go 4-5 hours at night, so he is kind enough to let us get some decent sleep. He gets the hiccups all the time, but they don't seem to bother him too much.
He has strong legs. He will push off my belly so hard I think I have bruises. He can hold his head up when he is laying on his stomach.
He enjoys bath time. He doesn't love being cold, but he does love getting his hair washed! We are still giving sponge baths since his umbilical cord hasn't fallen off yet.
He can focus on an object that isn't too far from his face. Last night I held a toy in front of his face and moved it to the other side - he followed it by turning his head. Smart boy! He responds to sounds, and especially gets startled when Maggie barks.
We have been out in to the world a few times. At 2 and 1/2 weeks, Mom and I took him to Target. I needed to get out of the house before I went crazy! Will did awesome. We put him in the cart and loaded up all of our stuff around him. He slept the whole time. The day before he turned 1 month old, we went out to a restaurant - this was a HUGE accomplishment! He did great! Luckily it was a loud in there so no one noticed when started to get fussy. We now know that we can pretty much take him anywhere as long as I have a bottle with me. This is great because now JT and I can start returning to what was normal in our lives before Will came along.
He loves to ride in the car! Almost instantly falls asleep as soon as we start moving...he takes after me!
We get a little smile every once in a while, but it is not really in response to happiness yet. I'm sure it is just gas like all the books say. But I'm looking forward to getting that real smile soon!
Thank you Will for a wonderful first month! I've enjoyed every minute of it, even the crying. I can't wait to see more of your personality come out in the next few months!